Sun World

Grape Nutrition FAQs

Nutrients in Grapes

Are phytonutrients found in seedless grapes?

Phytonutrients are found in plant-based foods and provide an array of health benefits for the plant, and for us, in addition to the vitamins and minerals present. Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables are usually rich in phytonutrients, many of which are plant pigments (colours).

Red and black seedless grapes contain the natural red/blue phytonutrient pigments called ‘anthocyanins’ plus other polyphenols, flavonoids and carotenoids. One serve (150g) of red or black seedless grapes contains 82.5 micrograms of beta-carotene and 30 micrograms of cryptoxanthin –both of which are carotenoids.

Green seedless grapes contain phytonutrients including flavonoids and carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein and cryptoxanthin) but also the green pigment chlorophyll. One serve (150g) of green seedless grapes contains 162 micrograms of beta-carotene and 216 micrograms of cryptoxanthin [1].

Are grapes just full of sugar and water?

Seedless grapes contain around 80 percent water, and between 13 and 15 percent sugar – half of which is fructose and the other half is glucose [2]. In one serve of grapes (150g) you’ll get about 20g (4 teaspoons) of natural fruit sugars and almost half a cup (120ml) of water. It is important to note, that you’ll also be getting 25 percent of your daily vitamin K requirement and 10 percent of your daily requirement for both fibre and vitamin C. Plus, more than 100 percent of your daily requirement for potassium. That’s not even mentioning all the natural antioxidants that help your body deal with stress! Seedless grapes may be sweet and juicy, but they pack a punch of nutritionally important components that make them a valuable addition to your daily diet.

Are grapes a low-GI food?

Australian-grown seedless grapes (red, black and green) were recently tested by the University of Sydney, a specialist in this area. The varieties tested had a rating between the low-GI and lower end of the moderate-GI category range [3].



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